Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

My mother-in-law kept all of the Halloween costumes she had made for Shawn when he was that little and this year Oliver was supposed to be a mouse. I had tried getting Oliver into it to accustom him to wearing a costume but really only ever got the ears on him without him pulling it off or throwing a tantrum. So, Tuesday night, the night before Halloween, I fought him to put him in the mouse costume only to find that it didn't fit him. Now Shawn and Oliver's birthdays are only 7 days apart so I thought they'd be the same size for the 2 year costume but nope- Oliver is longer from shoulder to butt. Thank goodness she has all the costumes because Oliver then had to be the skunk, Shawn's 3 year old costume.    

So the night before I still needed something for him to wear to the daycare Halloween party so I scrounged around the house looking for things and even went to my parents house and got the pumpkin outfit my sister and I had worn and tried it on him. He again wanted nothing to do with a putting it on. Mom and I then made a toddler tool belt I had found on Pinterest thinking he could be a construction worker. He wouldn't put that on either. We also had an apron at home that he refused to put on too. I was thinking that my son was just going trick or treating as a toddler by the way things were going. It was PJ day at Daycare anyway so we through on some Mickey Mouse PJ's yesterday morning and sent the Mickey hands that I knew he didn't mind wearing and told Julie to see if she could get him into something.

Well it took Grandma Shirley last night to put him in it but he was an adorable little skunk.

He kept looking behind him to make sure his tail was following him and I really do think that this tail is the only reason he put the costume on. Oh and the fact that he could go outside by wearing it.  

It fit Oliver perfectly. He went door to door telling everyone "Halloween" (he'd forget the happy part) and "thank you." He caught on fast about how this goes and that he can just reach into the bowl and grab a handful of candy. He came home with a lot of goodies- fruit snacks, crackers and cheese, animal crackers and of course some chocolate!

All of the loot 

I had soup in the crockpot to eat when we came home which warmed us right up and of course candy for dessert. 
Happy Halloween!

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