Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gingerbread men

This coming Saturday is the Holiday Open House and cookie walk at work so Oliver and I made some gingerbread cookies to take in tomorrow. The good thing about this is that I can take in these and bring home more delicious treats! I found the recipe on Kraft Foods website and it calls for butterscotch pudding to make them soft. I liked it because they made the house smell AMAZING!

My little assistant helped with cutting them out with the cookie cutter but he thought it was playdough so he just kept pressing the cutter in in random spots and over top of others. It made the process longer, but was fun to have him help. When mixing the dough in the mixer, he now knows how to turn the speed knob so he had put that on high and we had a flour shower.  

I baked them on parchment but the recipe didn't call for it, I just like no mess clean up. 

They didn't turn out too bad for never making them before even though some look like aliens and not gingerbread men. They taste much better than they look and I guess that is what matters. 

I plan on getting Oliver's lab work done tomorrow since we'll be heading to the hospital anyway so I'll keep you all posted on how that comes out. I don't expect it to be low but the hematologist wanted us to check it in 3 months so it's due. 

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