Okay so I was after my sister to post a blog and then I realized that I hadn't posted one either in a long time. We've been busy at our house fighting off illness after illnesses starting with Oliver and a sinus infection and eye infection and ending with Shawn and I having the full-blown stomach flu. I can now say that we're all feeling a bit better but we're still dealing with Oliver throwing-up at least once if not more times a day. I've called the pediatrician about it and they're not concerned at this time because he is gaining weight still. This has been going on for about 3 weeks now and I can say that it is getting old and I wish I knew why he was vomitting.
Oliver is around 12 pounds now which is still very small for a 5 month old. We've also had to start using formula this week since I do not produce enough milk now for him. It's been a struggle to get formula for him since it has to be low iron, but I think we're figuring it out now. Oliver didn't like the formula at first and now I think he likes it better than the breast milk. He still remains a happy boy but I think he's going through the developmental stage of not wanting to be alone. When others are in the room with him he is happy talking and playing but once you walk away from him he's crying.
He's not rolling over or sitting up or starting solid foods yet, but he has the best smile and he's come a long way. He's getting better at his tummy time with some help from the AEA teacher who comes by once a month to play with Oliver and tell me things to help him along developmentally. We now know that we have to sing when he is on his tummy so he doesn't cry and prop him up with a rolled up blanket. Once he is up on that rolled up blanket he holds his head up and looks around reaching for his toys in front of him. He also does not favor looking only to the right anymore and looks both directions. His hemaglobin also keeps coming up. Just yesterday it was 10.6! We only get it checked now every 2 weeks since it has been trending up and go to the hematologist every other month. We're so proud of our little boy!
Mommy's little boy... I love it. I hope the problem with vomiting ends soon. I remember when my boys were little and trying to find a formula that they could tolerate. I can't wait to see you on Saturday, he has grown so much since last time I saw him. See you soon.
ReplyDeleteI would just like to point out that I had posted more recently than you... :) Love ya!