Well I think that Shawn and I got the best present this year for Christmas. Oliver's hemaglobin check on 12-23-10 came back at 8.2 so it is continuing to go up! We are so elated that he hasn't had to have a blood transfusion since 11-8-10 and hope that he won't in the near future.
Christmas started for us on Sunday 12-19-10 with the Peterman's at Grandpa Chuck's and Grandma Shirley's house. Since I worked all of Christmas weekend from the 24th-26th we had to plan all of our Christmases around that. Oliver was a good boy with all the people there. His Great Uncle and Aunt from Oklahoma got to meet him and Oliver got in some good snuggle time with Great Aunt Lisa rocking him.
Christmas started for us on Sunday 12-19-10 with the Peterman's at Grandpa Chuck's and Grandma Shirley's house. Since I worked all of Christmas weekend from the 24th-26th we had to plan all of our Christmases around that. Oliver was a good boy with all the people there. His Great Uncle and Aunt from Oklahoma got to meet him and Oliver got in some good snuggle time with Great Aunt Lisa rocking him.
The next time we got together to celebrate was when Chuck and Shirley and Grandma Mary came over on Wednesday night to watch us open our presents from them.

Thursday night Shawn and I had Christmas at our house with Oliver opening up our gifts and then we headed across the street to see my sister and her family from Omaha. Oliver got some Caterpillar collector toys and a Cat onesie as well as some toys. Shawn also thought that Oliver needed a different diaper bag so of course he got Oliver a Cat bag.
Oliver and Annaliese
Then Friday morning we went across the street again for brunch at Grandpa Dave's and Grandma Sandy's house. Oliver played with his cousins on the floor and Ian enjoyed being an elf and passing out the gifts. Oliver slept through most of that Christmas on Daddy's lap but woke up in time for a family picture.
I have been checking your blog for Christmas pictures and here they are. Thank you for sharing, I copied them for my folks. Very cute pictures, the best gift of all is Oliver's continued hemaglobin rise. Way to go Oliver !!! We are all waiting to see what he will do in the New Year.