Saturday, September 11, 2010


Oliver's due date is overshadowed by the big Iowa vs Iowa State game today. Oliver had to dress for the event today to show which team he is for. Today was a big day for Shawn who got to help me give Oliver a bath today. He also changed another diaper although he said he wants to get gloves to wear when we go home.
Last night I thought that Oliver was getting too much morphine and that that was the reason he wasn't interested in eating because he was so groggy. They ended up holding the 6pm dose of morphine last night and then at midnight changed the dose to 0.2mg every 4 hours still. Today has been a lot better with his sleep/wake cycles and breastfeeding. Today at 9am he only needed half a feeding down his tube and at noon he didn't need any extra down the tube because he did so well.
The result from the ECHO yesterday still does show the PFO hole in his heart but they said it will either close on its own or you can live with it as long as you don't have other cardiac issues. The pulmonary hypertension is still there but much decreased. The pressure when he came was 65% and it is now down to 30% which is great. They said that clinically if he keeps improving they won't check another one until a follow up visit. The right side of his heart that was enlarged earlier is also normalized. Oliver is gaining weight he now weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces! He still looks tiny but in the premmie clothes he is too tall, and the 0-3 months clothes are big all around.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the outfit and the sheets! I burst out laughing when I read the comment about Shawn wanting gloves for home. Glad to hear the nursing has gotten better, too!
