Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Helping Papa

This past Saturday, while I was working and Shawn putting up the snow fence in the backyard, Oliver had a fun time with Papa and Grandma cutting down their Christmas tree. They went earlier this Fall to tag it as theirs and found it again today among all the trees.  

Oliver had to get down and see how Papa was cutting this tree down

And help him carry it out 

All loaded up in the back of Shawn's truck to take to Grandma and Papa's house to help decorate. My dad said that Oliver helped some with the decorations but mostly played with his toys over there. 


  1. Love the one of him laying on the ground to inspect what Dad is doing. So stinkin' cute and oh the memories it brought back. Kinda think they wussed out with the truck, though. What happened to carrying it through the yard?

  2. I thought they both looked pretty cute laying on the ground cutting down the tree. It looks like they had a great day.
