I don't think that I can ever say in my whole life that it has been this warm in March. We took full advantage of the warm weather to get outside. I had to go through Oliver's clothes and sort out the winter stuff and bring in the spring clothes. We had a few tantrums after putting his short-sleeve shirt on because he couldn't pull the sleeves down to his hands he got over it and we were off to go outside.
First Oliver pushed his shopping cart around outside, then we played some ball and of course he had to go up and down the stairs numerous times and learned how to say "UP".

Then we walked down to the park. We tried the slide for Oliver's first time ever and he loved it. Then he swung and laughed and talked the whole way home except when we had to stop to see all the firetrucks returning from a grass fire then he was quiet and shy.

Saturday was St. Patrick's Day so we went to Elkader for the annual parade. Grandpa Chuck put the Oliver 70 tractor in the Parade so Oliver rode with Grandpa for a short time during the parade. He could have cared less about the candy which I was happy about but it won't be long before he's out there running for it too.

Today, Sunday, temps were again in the 80's so we went out again and did some yard work which turned into mostly following Oliver around since he likes to go toward the street every chance he gets. We have a little incline between our sidewalk and neighbors and he loves to go up and down it but today he fell and got his first scrapped up knee. After cleaning it and putting triple antibiotic ointment on it and a band-aid he was good as new. I think the band-aid was a new toy for him as it came off only after about an hour after application.

We also had a bird problem this week. Some people have mice or bats in their houses, we have birds. We had 1 bird last year and thought it was just a fluke. Then Shawn said that he had one in here last week. Thursday when Oliver and I came back from the park there was a sparrow on our front porch. After closing the door to the house and opening the front door it flew out. Then after lunch we were playing in the play room and I heard more birds and fluttering of wings. After investigating there were 2 sparrows in my kitchen playing around in there. Good thing we have a pocket door between the kitchen and dinning room because I closed that off and then had to open the back door. These 2 took more coursing to get out and they left me with a few piles of bird poop after they left. So that night when Shawn got home he climbed on the room and found that there was a hole in the screen on the chimney and they were getting it. The hole was patched up and cross our fingers we haven't had any since.
It is a good thing that Mommy is a nurse. Thank you for the pictures, I will pass them along to my folks. They need to smile too.