Thursday, March 29, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Is this really March??
First Oliver pushed his shopping cart around outside, then we played some ball and of course he had to go up and down the stairs numerous times and learned how to say "UP".
Then we walked down to the park. We tried the slide for Oliver's first time ever and he loved it. Then he swung and laughed and talked the whole way home except when we had to stop to see all the firetrucks returning from a grass fire then he was quiet and shy.
Today, Sunday, temps were again in the 80's so we went out again and did some yard work which turned into mostly following Oliver around since he likes to go toward the street every chance he gets. We have a little incline between our sidewalk and neighbors and he loves to go up and down it but today he fell and got his first scrapped up knee. After cleaning it and putting triple antibiotic ointment on it and a band-aid he was good as new. I think the band-aid was a new toy for him as it came off only after about an hour after application.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Dancing Machine!
We left for St. Paul, Minnesota on Saturday for my cousin Kyle and his now wife Gina's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and location. We spent Saturday night a couple blocks away at the Hilton Garden on the top floor so we had a great view of downtown from our window.
The wedding and reception was at the Landmark Center downtown St. Paul and it really did look like a castle.
We all gathered for family pictures before the wedding so we took some of our own as well.

Oliver had fun playing with his cousins especially Annaliese. By Sunday they were giving each other hugs and kisses.
Isn't it a beautiful spot for a wedding. The ceremony was officiated by Gina's brother-in-law and I think it was one of the funniest and sweetest wedding ceremonies I've been to.
After the ceremony we enjoyed a slide show, beverages, and a couple tantrums of the kids. At dinner that's when the fire was put out... literally. A napkin was set on fire at our table but by the quick hands of Darrin and Shawn no harm was done. The center pieces at the wedding were gorgeous as well to match the setting.
The dance started next and I had been practicing with Oliver his dance moves the week before. But, Oliver was just content walking/running around everyone on the dance floor screaming with excitement. Everyone got a kick out of him so excited out there. He didn't even care if people ran into him and knocked him over he just got back up. During the slow songs he would dance with my parents or me and he'd usually bury his head into us as if he was tired but once the pace of the songs picked up and he was on the dance floor and a dancing machine!
Friday, March 2, 2012
18 month check-up
On Monday Oliver and I went to his pediatrician in Dubuque for his 18 month well child check-up. I love our pediatrician. I was actually his first c-section he was alone for since completing his residency and so I think we gave him a memorable one to say the least. I would like to think that Oliver is quite memorable to him in that aspect because it was his first, and because of all the complications Oliver had at birth and he did wonderfully. Anyway, Dr. Callahan was impressed by how much Oliver has grown and how he is doing developmentally.
His 18 month stats:
22 pounds 2 oz (5th percentile)
32 3/4 inches long (60th percentile)
Head is 49cm (75th percentile) - he has a lot of brains.
Speaking of brains, Oliver is learning and doing more things each day which makes me so proud as his momma. His vocabulary is growing each day but his favorite words are still Mommy and Daddy (emphasis on the mom-EE or dad-EE part), uh oh, read book, and sock. The nurse actually told me that we needs to start introducing potty training for him. I couldn't believe it, we're definitely not ready for that yet. He only just now knows what a diaper is. And whether it is wet or dirty or not and you ask him if his diaper needs changed he always says "yep."
We ended the Dr. visit with 2 vaccinations and so that called for mac and cheese and ice cream afterwards. I even managed to get some shopping done. It was a quiet ride home, he fell asleep before we made it out of Dubuque.
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