Last week we actually got some snow that I think will stay put this time so we took advantage of it and Oliver's new sled from Grandpa and Grandma Peteramn to try sledding. He loved being outside and loved being pulled around in his sled.
It had actually snowed on Thursday but since it was accompanied by so much wind Oliver and I just snuggled up and played indoors. Oilver loves his train set he got for Christmas from Santa but he loves more to play with the animals and train conductor and the buildings than the actual train and track.
He usually even sits on the track to play with it.
Friday was warmer and less windy so we went outside in the snow then. With all the wind, the snow was scarce in some parts and drifted in others so it was hard to find a hill but Grandpa and Grandma Doerscher had some great hills. Too bad that the snow was so fluffy that Oliver just sank right into it.
Saturday Grandpa and Grandma Peterman came over and we went sledding as well. Sledding was better today even though it was a bit colder. Our neighbor's sidewalk was the perfect spot for sledding because the snow wasn't deep so he couldn't sink into it.
We even got adventurous and went off the sidewalk onto a small hill. Oliver would say "weeee" or "woahhh" each time he'd be pushed down the hill, only to come to an abrupt stop at the bottom where someone had to stop him before he'd go into the street.

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