Last weekend Shawn wanted to get "stuff" done in the garage. Now I think he gets "stuff" done every weekend in the garage but we joined him this time. I think Oliver shares Shawn's love for being in the garage because he laughs and squeals with excitement when we get all dressed up to go out there. Our garage is heated so it's comfortable in there temperature wise and has almost everything in there that I think if I'd let him, Shawn would live out there. Oliver's favorite thing out there is still his wagon. But instead of riding in it now he likes to push it around. We have to do the steering for him but he goes around and around numerous times before just sitting indicating he's tired. See his excitement.
It was also this past weekend in the garage, that Oliver stood on his own without anything to hold on to and took a couple steps. Now these steps probably don't count in most people's book since they were more so falling steps he took trying to get to Shawn to hold him up but we'll count them.
Had to take a break to drink some water. All decked out in camouflage even the cup koosie.
A miniature Shawn. He is so cute.