One of Oliver's favorite spots in under the side table in our living room. He crawls under there and when he sits up he's the perfect height, for now, to fit under there. He can't sit up tall though anymore because he hits his head.

The first time he did this he got stuck under there because he didn't know he had to crawl back out and lower his head down. He threw a tantrum but now is a pro at going in and out of it! It's actually really good for us because he picks things up off the floor for us that he most likely dropped down there anyway.

The first time he did this he got stuck under there because he didn't know he had to crawl back out and lower his head down. He threw a tantrum but now is a pro at going in and out of it! It's actually really good for us because he picks things up off the floor for us that he most likely dropped down there anyway.
Such a happy boy and so many teeth!