Oliver is 9 months today!!! We went for his 9 month check up yesterday and here are his measurements. He's 16lbs and 1 oz now still not on the growth chart curve and 27 3/4 inches which is in the 30th percentile. His head is in the 50th percentile.
Oliver has been working with physical therapy and occupational therapy over the last month and this is what the OT wanted us to start doing so we took today to start. She wanted us to let him play in it to get used to it and just see if he could feed himself.

We started with fruits and veggies for Oliver months ago because all the infant cereal was fortified with iron but now that he's mastered those we're trying regular quick oats that I've ground up for him and mixed with applesauce or pear sauce. Let's just say that I think he got more oatmeal all over himself than in his mouth. He doesn't like the texture change of it and prefers to play in it more than eat it. He and mom needed a bath/shower after this that's for sure. Good thing Grandma Shirley made Oliver another booster seat cover!

We're also trying a sippy cup but right now all he wants to do is bang it against the tray. PT has us working with him on tummy time still but being up on all fours. He's not crawling yet but they're impressed by his ability to pivot to move around sometime making a complete 180 by never rolling completely over just from back to side to back again repeatedly. Our early ed teacher and I both think that he hates his stomach so much that he just refuses to roll over from his back to it. He turns his head like a little owl almost to see for example me walking away from him. He'll turn his pelvis all the way over but won't bring his head/torso over to be completely on his tummy. This just means that we have more time to baby proof the house before he's more mobile.
Since the weather man got it right for once and it was sunny and in the 70's, we went down to the park and Oliver got to swing in the baby swing.

He's so adorable that every time he'd come forward to me he'd squeal and laugh with the wind in his face but when he went backwards was completely quiet.

I'm so proud of my little man and what he's achieved in the last 9 month and look forward to what's to come!
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