Tuesday, April 5, 2011

wow almost a month has went by

So I realize that I haven't posted anything in almost a month so this will be a post full of pictures from the last month.

We first started with Annaliese's 1st Birthday party on March 19th. Oliver had fun playing with his cousins, especially when riding in the wagon Annaliese got.

Holding on tight to Annaliese

Sitting with Great Grandpa Doerscher and Great Grandma Billie

Then the next day on March 20th we had Oliver's dedication in church and had many family help us celebrate. This took the place of a baptism ceremony in church since he was baptized the day he was born and cannot be rebaptized. Oliver was all smiles that day up in the front of the church looking at everyone. They did everything but put water on his head. Thank you to all who came and was a part of his day.

Oliver with his Godparents Darrin and Colleen

We got a Bumbo for Oliver to help him with his sitting up. He likes it for a little while but then tries to get out of it by falling to the side or throws himself backwards trying to tip it over.

I can see myself!

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