Friday, November 18, 2011
Using a fork
We've been trying for a few weeks now to have Oliver starting using his own silverware to eat instead of us having to feed him but he never care much for them or what they were doing sitting on his tray. Instead he used his fingers like most kids. When you'd take and put the spoon/fork in his hand he'd throw a tantrum until Wednesday. On Wednesday he actually took the fork and put it in his mouth. He did this throughout lunch and even was successful at stabbing a piece of food with his fork. Spoons are much harder for him because it all falls off the spoon before he can get it to his mouth leading to baths afterward. Now I think he does it on purpose to get a bath after. So smart! And, we think he's going to be a lefty, he does mostly everything with his left hand.
Wheel of Fortune
Oliver has an extreme fascination with Wheel of Fortune. I think this can be attributed to my parents watching him one night and they always have it on at 6:30. Now this is the only show we let Oliver watch. I don't know if it is the wheel or the clapping that he finds so mesmerizing but he loves it. He now claps with them and jabbers on throughout the whole show. And yes, the gait in front of the TV was our way of baby proofing and it works well.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Halloween part 3
So our little puppy got dressed up Halloween night and went out trick or treating in his wagon. The night started with a bowl full of chili to warm him with Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Shirley and then the fun started. Now, I think for Oliver, he didn't know what to think about the going door to door, he just wanted to keep that wagon rolling. Every time we'd stop at someone's house he'd play shy and try and hide his face. We would tell people "no candy, just showing off our cute puppy" but of course it didn't work, we still came home with a lot of goodies. Oliver would get impatient and want to get going again. He didn't understand about the stopping part, just wanted a wagon ride.
Had to stop first at Grandpa Dave and Grandma Sandy's house.
Before the trick or treating Oliver also got a new trike from Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Shirley. His feet don't touch the pedals yet but that didn't stop him for going for a ride. Anything that moves my son loves. But, he especially loved the horn my in-laws so thoughtfully placed on it. I'll just say when Shawn came home from work, the horn got filled full of Kleenex's to drown out the noise.
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