Now that it is nice out, Oliver wants to be outside. When you open a door he automatically thinks you're going outside and most generally he's right. He starts kicking and screaming with excitement. Here's some of what we've done the last week.
We had a neighborhood Memorial Day party last weekend and Oliver was able to play with his friends Rebecca and Kimberly as well as Haley. He loved being read to and all the attention.

Since this week was so warm, Oliver tried out a couple pools. First we went in to Chuck and Shirley's camper and he played in the water with his toys. This was his first time in a pool and he loved splashing just as he does when he is in the bathtub.
He also went for a bike ride with Grandpa Chuck at the campground.

Then we came home and he went swimming again in a little ducky tub with more toys. He loved the little cups that have holes in it that drain water. He splashes for a while then sucks his fingers to lick all the water off over and over again.

Then we tried out the swing we hung and Grandpa and Grandma Doerschers from our neighbors.

And since everyone in the NICU said that Oliver would be a pianist because of his long fingers and so far he loves it!

He was so tired out after that big day he took a 2 and a half hour nap! That's the longest he's ever taken a nap.

Yesterday was Uff da Daze in St. Olaf and we went out early for the 5K Walk/Run. Of course we walked, joined by some of my coworkers and their family members and had a great time. You can tell that Oliver is a momma's boy and is attached to me because everytime he would see me walking he'd yell out because he wanted me to pick him up so I most generally walked behind him. It's not only in the stroller but anytime I walk away from him he's screaming for me to come back even if Shawn is in the room. Oliver got to ride our Oliver tractor during the parade and looked like he enjoyed himself. In fact, the only time he wasn't fussy because he was tired and it was hot, was when he was on the tractor or watching Daddy get 2nd place in the slow pull tractor race. He took over a 2 hour nap yesterday after all that excitement too.